German mother sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering five of her children

A 28-year-old mother in Germany has been sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering five of her six children in her home last year.

Crime in Germany fell by 15% between 2005 and 2019, according to official information according to the newspapers of the Funke media group was announced on Friday.

The periodical safety  report of the federal government, which is to be presented later in Berlin, showed that the decline was strong from  https: // a decrease in break-ins and theft of other assets.

The number of cases of serious violent crimes has also decreased, the report says.

"Germany is one of the safest countries in the world," Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told Funke.

Germany example, will list in comparison to most /view/ low number of homicides in other countries, he said.

Politically motivated crime on the rise

However, the authorities are concerned about an increase in politically motivated crimes, many of them by far-right groups.

Since the peak of the European  migrant crisis in 2015, when more than a million migrants sought refuge in Germany , the data show More than 20,000 politically motivated crimes are recorded annually.

The report also described a sharp rise in right-wing hate crimes online, including anti-Semitism , at .

In 2019, foreign made nationals 34.6% of the persons from whom criminal acts were accused of up from 21.1% in 2009.

The COVID-19

Pandemic meanwhile triggered an increase in domestic violence, but violent incidents in public went back.

The report looks back on the last 15 years of criminal activity in Germany. It contains the bundled knowledge of numerous experts from the police and judiciary.

Germany recorded a decline in reported crime in last year, partly due to pandemic  attacks restrictions, that kept people indoors, although there has been an increase in child abuse, domestic violence and cybercrime.

The highest security officer of the country, Horst Seehofer, said on Thursday that in Germany at comdeorbis-heater-germany_i297885 Around 5.3 million criminal offenses were reported in 2020. That is 2.3% less than last year - driven by a significant decrease in break-ins, robberies and car thefts  https : // - further declining trend since 2016 when the number of reported cases was around 6.3 million.

"The development is extremely positive," Seehofer told reporters in Berlin.

He noted, however, that it an increase of child abuse, cybercrime, fraud in connection with measures to support the coronavirus and domestic  https: //www.diigo. com / profile / orbisheaterbuy gave violence. While violent crime fell by 2.4% overall compared to 2019, , the number of homicides in Germany rose by 3.7% in 2020 2,401.

The case handling rate rose slightly to 58.4%. The clearance rate for murder and manslaughter was 94.9%.

Seehofer said he was in favor a strong crackdown by the police against anti-lockdown demonstrators kellett-films-47a739225_orbis-heater-germany-wo-zu -kauf-preis-activity-6862340160080769024-8sXD / who openly violate rules during protests, and expect the German domestic secret service reinforced such groups.

Security officials warn that increasingly radicalized the so-called maverick movement against pandemic measures.


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